Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Insecurity, Part 1.

After reading So Long Insecurity by Beth Moore and listening to her messages, A Beautiful Mind, I have been transformed, restored, and refreshed with hope. No, my insecurities have not gone away, but I have recognized a way to overcome the bondage that I thought I would never get away from. The way to overcome insecurity is only through Jesus Christ.

Our culture is a great contributor to the source of insecurity, but we must not blame it for steering us in this wavering log that we so frequently walk on. So many times, I felt like if I hid my insecurity and anxiety, it would go away and I wouldn't ever have to deal with it. WRONG. "Just because pride fills a heart, it doesn't keep it from breaking.. just from healing.." (101). I thought that the only way that I was secure was whether or not I was accepted, affirmed, and had consistency in relationships. Whether or not we get noticed makes us more and more insecure. "We are desperate for significance..."(102). Whether its in a family, friendship or romantic relationship, we want to be loved and accepted for who we are, no matter what it takes. Throwing around a delicate, vulnerable heart into situations and relationships causes us to be even deeper into the cycle. However, Jesus Christ offers His never ending acceptance and affirmation. "He not only notices us, He never takes His eyes off of us."

This isn't always easy for me to do. Just as many girls, I am a hopeless romantic. I can honestly say I am in love with being in love. However, recently I have found that seeking acceptance and affirmation in a guy has only led me to continuous and chronic insecurity. "...Instead of looking for ourselves in God, we look once more for God in a man, and just when we think we've found someone who can hold us high enough and long enough to assuage our fear of forgottenness, we get dropped..." (104). No one is perfect; we all fail and fall short. So, why do we constantly look towards others to make us secure and complete?

DIGNITY. The one word that we should cling to as we seek healing. "Insecurity is about losing our God-given dignity... We are given dignity because God himself has it...to possess dignity is to be worthy of respect." (148-159)

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