Saturday, July 16, 2011

God is Louder.... Than the Pressure to be Perfect.

I recently received my latest monthly issue of Seventeen magazine, a visual book filled with advice, suggestions, and real-life stories. In past issues, the real-life stories and advice has been very trivial or not applicable to me, but however, this month was different. Demi Lovato was on the cover. Not only is she a beautiful inspiration to teenage girls, she is also transparent with her issues and where it brought her to. Her transparency inspired me to be open and secure in my brokenness. Looking at our culture, brokenness and struggle is frowned upon, which is why it was such a shocker when Demi came out to tell the world that she struggles with eating disorders and depression. She has created a campaign called "Love is Louder Than the Pressure to be Perfect". She inspires girls around the country to understand the depth of their uniqueness and the depth of how much they are loved.

This campaign really goes deep with me because I daily struggle with the pressure to be perfect; the thoughts that I am not enough; the mindset that I need to be something else to be loved. Not only is LOVE louder than the pressure to be perfect, but GOD is louder than the pressure to be perfect. His love, His grace, His strength and His hand upon our lives speaks louder to me than anything that this world could offer me or the lies screaming at my head that I am not good enough.

Every where I, its as if the lies scream louder and louder at me. I walk along the magazine racks at the grocery store and see the "10 tips to get the best bikini body" and "how to get flawless skin" and suddenly, I am left feeling empty. Worthless. Inadequate. I've had to train my mind to believe and to know that I am perfect in my Savior's eyes; something that a magazine, boy, or friend could not offer to tell me. Comparing myself to my gorgeous and intelligent best friends, my stunning, life loving older sister, and the never-ending photo uploads on Facebook, I begin to wander in the ways that I am not perfect and desire to be accepted just as these wonderful girls are too.

It seems to me that the world accepts one type of girl: the Barbie doll. You know what I am talking about; the perfect hair, white teeth, stunning figure, flawless skin, and inviting personality. Although these characteristics may seem important, I am beginning to see something that is significantly and eternally more important: the acceptance and love that Jesus has for me. This love is not dependant on what I do, what I wear, who I date, and my friends... It is focused on how He made me unique, He knows me better than I know myself, He sees my heart, He loves me unconditionally.
I sincerely hope that you understand the desire that God has for you to come to Him and humble yourselves at the foot of the cross to gain insight into the unique, wonderful and beautiful woman that He created you to be.

God's acceptance and love is LOUDER than the pressure to be PERFECT.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Kristin, I was being a creeper and eavesdropping on Kendall's conversation with someone and heard that you had a blog. So I thought I'd check it out.

    Really cool post! I had no idea that these kinds of celebraties existed. It's cool to see that Christ is working in what I've always thought of as one of the most Godless part of our country. God truly is all mighty.

    Gonna have to disagree with the last part. "unique, wonderful and beautiful woman that He created you to be," maybe in the future you can say person instead of woman? Maybe make it a little more guy friendly? Since guys deal with image problems too, though probably not as much as girls.

    Thanks for the post, I look forward to some more helpful insight in the future! :)
