Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Not Driven By ANXIETY.

Anxiety. What a word, what a concept.
To say that I struggle with anxiety is an understatement. I worry every moment of everyday, from what I will do next, what will happen, what someone thinks of me, and before I know it, the cycle repeats. I hate this. But how does it stop? I know that anxiety is something that is in my genetics; my family members also struggle with it. But to the point of where I let it drive my life and interfere with the woman of God that I am created to be is where the strength of the Holy Spirit takes away these thoughts.

Anxiety. It has become a lifestyle, a mindset, an idol, an escape. I doubt myself and say that I will never be "good" enough because I struggle with this internal emotional battle. My anxious thoughts fill my mind, moving me to crazy extremes and causing me to make emotional and impulsive decisions. I blame lots on insecurity. I blame insecurity, failure, rejection, attention on a condition that Jesus calls me to leave at the foot of His cross.

My anxiety and my emotions will not become my decision-maker. My emotions will not be an idol. I serve Jesus Christ wholeheartedly, not some fleeting state of mind that makes me feel less and less human daily.

"Grow strong in your weakness...My preference is for you to depend on Me continually, trusting Me to guide you and strengthen you as needed. This is how you grow strong in your weakness," -Jesus Calling.

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